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Is Technology the Solution to The Great Resignation?

There’s no question that workers are quitting in droves because of technology. More than four million Americans quit their jobs in September. According to Microsoft’s report, the remaining 40% of the employees plan to quit.

The worst of all is that the great resignation hits the technological world even harder. TalentLMS says that 72% of US-based tech employees are thinking of quitting in the next 12 months.

The more employees quit, the harder life gets for those who stay on the job, especially in the tech department. After all, the world of IT is notoriously understaffed, and when the Great Resignation hits tech workers, all employees suffer more downtime, risk cyber attacks, and tech implementation slowdowns.

However, let’s start from the basics.

What is The Great Resignation?

The Great Resignation is a growing trend of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs from Spring 2021 to the present — mostly in the USA. The phenomenon describes the record numbers of workers leaving their jobs after the end of the global pandemic.

It’s an emergency. You need to know why people are resigning in large numbers.

What Caused The Great Resignation?

The COVID-19 pandemic has allowed employees to rethink their careers, work conditions, and long-term goals. While businesses are scratching their heads and trying to retain talent, the truth is that technology and how people use it, plus the culture around management and employee interaction, is what’s driving the big quit.

It isn’t just in the USA. The Great Resignation is a global phenomenon, the main cause being:

  • Government stimulus checks
  • Rise of remote work
  • Pandemic-driven stress

Statistics say that as people move to work remotely or adapt to the hybrid office-home working environment, technology and how people use it are the main reasons people quit. Technology appears to frustrate workers, create friction and inertia, block employee progress and empowerment, create needless work, and endanger a feeling of isolation and impotence.

How Can Technology Fix the Great Resignation?

The good news is that better technology is a big part of the solution to the Great Resignation problem. Since more people are working remotely or adapting to the hybrid working environment, some technological measures can help your business address the big quit problem.

Some of the measures your business can take to retain and attract talent include:

1. Infuse AI into Your Employee Training Platform

Expectations from employees are at an all-time high in terms of skills, knowledge, performance, and output. On the other hand, your business expects greater value from employees.

As a result, it’s critical to make employees feel comfortable and connected with your business in value and objectives. This calls for better engagement which AI (Artificial Intelligence)-based adaptive learning technology can offer.

AI-infused employee training platforms present greater automation, personalization, data insight, and long-term sustainability. Using AI ends the frustration of classroom-like or generic training systems because employees will learn from what they already know.

In other words, AI will:

  • Ramp up training and career development
  • Allow you to promote employees from within
  • Guide employees on their career path
  • Give a road map to each employee
  • Personalize employees’ learning track

AI will eliminate the one-size-fits-all ineffective approach because it’ll allow the delivery of personalized learning styles and methods.

2. Enable Natural Connections Between Employees

One of your biggest challenges is fostering connections between remote and hybrid workforce because of the limited social interactions that bind the team. Creating team-building psychology and making each employee feel like part of the team is a challenging task.

However, it’s possible.

One way is to use user-friendly collaboration tools to grow the connection culture. These collaboration tools allow your employees to talk with each other without delays.

You can use:

  • Instant messaging tools – To allow remote workers to get a hold of someone quickly if they need
  • Team collaboration software – To help create teams within your company and keep them connected

Your focus is to build stronger connections to create a strong business.

3. Avoid Employee Surveillance

Employee monitoring software creates advantages for the employer at the expense of alienating employees. Lots of companies monitor employees’ screen activity, mouse movements, time online, and other metrics are the surest way to drive employees away.

The only problem is that employee monitoring software isn’t an accurate capture of employee productivity. In addition, it can destroy trust and harm engagement. Studies show employee engagement is integral for productivity.

Surveillance shows a lack of trust in employees, who are likely to distrust management in return.

Instead of employee surveillance, you can embrace alternative ways to measure performance. For instance, you can take the result-driven approach instead of creating an adversarial relationship between workers and bosses.

4. Create a Holistic Approach for Employee Satisfaction

With the integration of remote and hybrid workforce, businesses need to help employees cope psychologically and emotionally with the realities of diverse and shifting work locations and environments.

In the past, holding occasional team-building exercises and offsite events was enough. Today, managers, supervisors, and leaders have a responsibility to help employees feel like they’re part of the team and help them maintain physical and mental health.

Part of this is technological. The right technology choices, work policies, and management approaches can improve employees’ feeling of connection, involvement, sense of mission, and let them strike the right work-life balance.

5. Choose a Technology that Discourages Burnout 

AI is gaining ground in tech. Depending on the solution you take, AI can either contribute to burnout or alleviate it.

For instance, AI that’s used in place of human interactions like automated HR, leaves employees feeling frustrated and abandoned. On the flip side, AI that handles menial tasks can boost employees, making them feel empowered and supported. Better yet, automating repetitive tasks can free up employees to do things that only humans can do.

In other words, your task is to strike the right balance between automation and personnel to scale up your business.

Why Partner With Acom to Address the Great Resignation Problem?

Acom Networks presents various reliable and efficient IT solutions to address the Great Resignation problem. You’ll get:

  • IT support services – To cover any talent loss during the Great Resignation in your IT department without spending a fortune)
  • Cyber Security  -You can sleep blissfully knowing your critical assets are protected even when your former cyber security team has quit
  • Telecommunications – You can continue having streamlined business communication to reach out to clients and vendors and gain new customers even amid the big quit period
  • Cloud services – To replace the need to create and maintain a server and step in to fit the staff that used to maintain your physical server
  • Compliance services – To help ensure all your data operation practices comply with your state and federal laws

How are you going to address the impact of the Great Resignation? Contact us today to talk about the best technological approach your business can take.