A Free Dark Web Scan to Reveal Your Leaked

  • Find out which passwords have been leaked and/or stolen
  • Change those passwords right away
  • Protect your reputation from a data breach

“The process is so quick and efficient. We were able to find out which passwords were leaked, change them, and feel safe again within a few hours.” 

~ Local Manufacturing Firm

Many employees use the same passwords for multiple accounts. The simple, easy-to-guess password that protects their personal email might be the same password that protects their corporate applications containing sensitive data. 

Why does this matter? 

Cybercriminals launch what’s known as credential stuffing attacks… They take leaked passwords and use them on various services until they get in. Once they’re in, they have access to everything. 

A dark web scan is used to find out which passwords have been leaked (in a safe, confidential manner – of course) so you can act on that information fast. It’s: 

  • Absolutely FREE of charge
  • Delivered fast to your inbox
  • Completely safe and confidential